Oct 24, 2016

Kids + Oils Make and Take

Friday night I hosted a Kids + Oils Halloween Make & Take and it was so fun! What's a Make & Take, you ask? Well, you (usually) come to someone's home and make stuff with essential oils, then take it home with you! The items can range from DIY beauty/skin care stuff (think sugar scrubs, face toners, etc.), to cleaning items (dust spray, household cleaner), to immune boosting/overall wellness stuff. You name it, there is probably a recipe for it! That is the beauty of essential oils. You can replace most of the products in your home with things that you make with your oils, and most of the time you can make it at a fraction of the price of store bought stuff and 100% of the time it is better for you! 

Here is what we made:

"Along Came a Spider" Bug Spray
This bug spray is awesome because you can do away with DEET or other bug repellants that contain some really harmful ingredients that are actually toxic for us. 

Add the following oils to a 2 oz. spray bottle:

3-5 drops Purification
3-5 drops Thieves
3-5 drops Peppermint

Swirl the oils around. Top with 1 oz. of witch hazel and 1 oz. of distilled water. Swirl again to combine. Spray on body to enjoy the outdoors annoyance-free! Well, from bugs anyway. I can't make any promises about anything else! :)

"Monsters Away" Bedtime Spray
Add the following oils to a 2 oz. spray bottle:

10 drops Lavender
10 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Orange (optional)

Swirl the oils to combine. Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. Spray on blankets and pillows to promote a restful night's sleep. Can also spray under the bed or in closet, or anywhere else monsters may be hiding!

"Little Monsters" Body Wash
I LOVE the smell of lavender and lemongrass together. I love the smell of them alone too! This body wash is so great and it gives me such peace of mind knowing that all of the ingredients in it are safe and pure! 

1/8 cup baby castille soap
Tiny pour of grape seed oil
5 drops Lavender
3 drops Lemongrass (optional)

Add all ingredients to a 50 ml foaming pump bottle and top with distilled water. You can use this on your little monster's hair and body! (I got my bottles from Life Science Publishing, but you can definitely make a larger batch of this and put in a larger container. The 50 ml bottles are small so they are great for traveling! Comment below if you'd like the recipe for a larger container.)

And we added Orange and Cinnamon Bark essential oils to homemade play dough! It smells so good! My daughter likes me to sit with her while she plays with her play dough, and I find myself smelling it just because it smells delicious! It's important that if you make this one and add Orange EO to it that you keep it in a glass jar. (I find these in the dollar/Bullseye section at my local Target all the time.) Citrus oils will leach toxins out of plastic and we don't want to expose these toxins to our kids!  

The little ones had a BLAST running around and playing! A couple of them sat down to make stuff with their parents but most just had fun playing! I loved seeing them play together. Made my heart full!

Have you ever hosted or been to a Make and Take? What kind of items did you make? 

You may be wondering if essential oils are safe for kids. I use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils. When using them on kids or diffusing around them, you just want to make sure to go low and slow since their bodies are so much tinier than ours. Always dilute when applying topically! I use them for various things to support my daughter's health, and I was pleasantly surprised at how effective they were when I first started using them. I appreciate the fact that I can relieve any discomfort that she experiences, while not having to pump synthetics in her tiny perfect body. Essential oils support our body systems so that everything functions the way it is supposed to, thereby relieving symptoms, and I love this approach. I'd MUCH rather do this rather than mask symptoms the way that medication does. Plus there are no side effects like you get with medication. This is not to say we never use it, we just rarely (and I mean RARELY) have to now that we use oils! If you are interested in getting started with essential oils and using them to support your health or your children's health, please comment below! 

Oct 19, 2016

Road trip to Utah!

A couple of weeks ago, my husband, daughter and I took a road trip to Utah. We met some friends up there and stayed in cute little cabins right on Provo river. It was absolutely gorgeous! The mist on the water in the mornings was so cool. There's just something about being near the water. I wish we could have spent more time there! 

The view from our cabin. Just beautiful!

While we were there, we took the kids to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. There were jumpers, little wooden playhouses, slides galore, face painting, a little tractor-pulled train, and mining for treasures. We were there for hours and didn't even see the whole thing! It was 11.95 per person (Monday-Thursday, 14.95 Friday and Saturday), and so worth it! I definitely recommend it if you are in the area or are going to be passing through and have little ones. They had a blast!  

This girl lives for face painting!

We also visited the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum in SLC and I have to say, the children's museums around here don't even come close! In all fairness, we haven't been to Pretend City and some of the other museums in our area. But as far as our local children's museum goes, this one blew it out of the water! Nellie had a blast in just about every exhibit. Her favorite was the cute little retro home, the store, and she loved working on a truck as a mechanic! My grandpa would be proud!

My favorite was the YL Lavender Farm exhibit! I had no idea this was going to be there, but it was a nice surprise! Especially because we were going to visit the real Lavender Farm the next day!

I was really looking forward to visiting the YL Lavender Farm in Mona, and it did not disappoint. The farm was so beautiful and clean. Everywhere you looked, there was something fun to check out. My husband and daughter loved it too! The people there were so nice. We were given a tour of the distillery and got to see juniper being distilled. I think it is so cool that an essential oils company owns their own farms and distilleries and that they are open to the public. That kind of transparency really impresses me! We took our time there and really enjoyed the grounds. There was a cool little western town that my husband loved, and a play structure with swings and a slide so we let Nellie play for awhile. We all had a blast! Again, if you live in the area or are traveling through Utah, this place is a must-see. The farm is set against the beautiful Utah mountains, and the setting is so peaceful and pristine. My favorite part of the farm was the gift shop! Some things never change! 

About to get my NingXia Red slushie. I was a happy girl!

We'd all love to go back!       

Sep 26, 2016

Simple Weeknight Dinner!

So apparently Southern California missed the memo that ITS FALL and it was 103 degrees today! :(

I needed a quick and tasty dinner so I decided on ham and cheese crescent rolls that I baked in the toaster oven. I actually wanted to do some lightly sautéed asparagus wrapped in ham that I saw on Giada De Laurentiis' cooking show but my local grocery store didn't have asparagus. And since it was so brutally hot outside, I was not going to another store. We had already run a bunch of errands and this was our last stop! 

I should have taken a picture of the ingredients I used but of course I didn't! I wasn't planning on blogging about them but they were so easy that I wanted to give other parents a quick dinner idea for busy weeknights or an insane heatwave!

To make them you'll need an 8 oz. package of crescent rolls (I like the Immaculate Organic Crescent Rolls), some good quality ham slices (8 to be exact) and some sliced cheddar cheese. Just lay out the crescent roll and place your ham and cheese on top, roll it up and place on your baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the crescent rolls are golden brown.

I served them with apple and celery slices, and added a bit of Wild Friends Organic Maple Sunflower Butter to my plate. Perfect light dinner for a super hot day! These would also be great for breakfast or lunch and you can swap out the meat and cheese for whatever you like! I should mention that I was only feeding the girls and myself. My husband would need something more substantial! And he doesn't eat pork, so there's that.  

For a healthy snack, slice up an apple or celery and dip in this sunflower butter!

Follow me on Instagram for more tips like this @peppermint_and_peonies!! 

Sep 19, 2016

Sep 12, 2016

Essential Oils + Pregnancy

Hi everyone!

So, you all know I'm a bit obsessed with essential oils and the AMAZING ways they support our bodies. There really is nothing else like them! It is so important that we take care of our bodies with the best stuff on Earth, and pure, quality essential oils make it easy to do just that! 

WOMEN - we need to be aware of what we are putting on our bodies and in our bodies, especially when we are pregnant! Everything we eat or apply topically will enter into our bloodstream, and then into the bloodstream of our sweet baby. So tell me, are you ok with using products that are full of harmful chemicals, or would you be interested in going the more natural, healthy route? 

My sweet friend Heather, who actually introduced essential oils to me, is pregnant with her third baby right now and I am so excited for her! This is her first pregnancy since she has started using essential oils 2 year ago and I asked her a few questions about using oils during pregnancy. This can be a controversial topic, but it all comes down to personal preference and education - just like anything else. Essential oils can actually really help with pregnancy related discomfort in a natural way!

Here are some adorable pics of Heather and her family! Are they not the cutest??? 

Read on to see which essential oils Heather is using to support her body during this special time!

J: What are some oils that you are loving right now and how are you using them?

H: I am loving Frankincense rubbed on my tummy with a dab of coconut oil for skin support and elasticity!  Trying to avoid getting stretch marks you know! I love all the citrus scents right now to give me a little pep in my step. I smell them right from the bottle or diffuse them! They smell so fresh and clean. I love them all but my favorites are Orange, Bergamot, and LemonI also love rubbing Tender Tush Ointment on my tummy and my face for skin support too! So many amazing oils in this product to help with healthy, glowing skin. Peppermint Vitality is a must have when pregnant for when I'm feeling queasy! I love to smell it from the bottle or add a drop to my water. It is advised to avoid Peppermint in the third trimester because it can turn the baby in the womb.

J: What about other products?

H: Comfy PJ's are on the top of my list! And some cute maternity clothes! I also went and bought myself some "healthier" nail polish from Sprouts to avoid some of the toxins found in traditional nail polishes.

Ningxia Red has helped boost my immune system too. It keeps me healthy and well during pregnancy… along with the energy boost. I haven't been sick at all since drinking it daily!

J: What do you love about being pregnant?

H: There are a few things I love about being pregnant. I love knowing there is a little blessing from God growing inside me that I have been given to care for and nurture.  It makes me want to be the best, healthiest person I can be! It's a big responsibility! I also love the anticipation of finding out the gender (it's a BOY!), what the sweet baby will look like, waiting for those little kicks to happen, and getting the baby items and room ready. And I'm not going to lie, the special privileges are nice… like people wanting to help you carry things, opening doors for you, special "expectant mother" parking at certain stores.. ;)

J: You lead a very active lifestyle (hiking, Pilates), what are some of your favorite ways to stay active throughout pregnancy?

H: It's super important to stay active and strong during pregnancy. There are some days I don't feel like it, but I always try to walk at least a mile or two, stretch, and do some squats. I also LOVE to hike with my family. We just went hiking in Yosemite and it was a blast! Hiking doesn't feel like a workout to me because I enjoy it so much so it's a great way to get exercise in. 

J: Any cravings?

H: Cravings… Oh goodness I have been craving peaches and plums like crazy!! And Young Living's antioxidant drink Ningxia Red. I drink it twice a day! It's so good for you and gives you energy! 

J: What advice would you give someone who is pregnant and just starting out with essential oils?

H: For someone pregnant and new to the oils, I would definitely recommend getting the Gentle Babies book. It has so much great information about which oils to use for what and which oils to avoid. Oils are a much better alternative to so many of the toxic products out there and they can help support a healthy pregnancy.  


A BIG thank you to Heather!! She has been my oil guru and pretty much my health guru (whether she knows it or not!) since I made it my mission to live a healthier life and detox my body and my home! She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to essential oils, supplements, healthy eating and fitness! Love her and her commitment to living the best, most healthy life for herself and her beautiful family! You can follow her on Instagram @my.essential.life to learn more oily goodness and how she incorporates essential oils into her daily life! 

Thoughts of new babies just gets me all warm and fuzzy inside and makes me feel extra giving, so we are going to do a fun little giveaway! Enter to win a copy of Debra Raybern's Gentle Babies! All you have to do is comment on this blog post and tell me your favorite way to use essential oils! It can be anything, a diffuser blend, a great way to use your oils topically, or even internally if you choose to do so! This book is a must if you are expecting or have a baby or young child! The winner will be announced on Friday, Sept. 16! Good luck! XOXO

Aug 9, 2016

Anaheim Packing District

Hello friends!

Today Nellie, Gilbert and I made a fun little trip to the Anaheim Packing District. If you haven’t been there before, and you eat food, what are you waiting for? Jump in your car and go this instant! Just make sure they are open. And that you are wearing clothes. And that you are HUNGRY because there are so many food options it is kind of overwhelming!

This was only our second trip there. I had seen pictures on their Instagram feed of pho and banh mi sandwiches and Vietnamese food was what I was craving! We went straight to Sawleaf Café and browsed their menu. I was planning on getting pho, but their Vermicelli Noodle Salad looked so good so I opted for that instead. It did not disappoint! I got it with Lemongrass Chicken and it was so tasty! Even Nellie liked it! My hubby had to round out the meal with sweet potato fries! They were pretty darn good too!
Vermicelli Noodle Salad and Sweet Potato Fries

After our dinner we went upstairs to popbar where you can get a little glimpse of heaven. Check out all of those beautiful colors! They are made with real fruit and there are no artificial flavorings or preservatives, just pure deliciousness!

I got a pineapple sorbetto on a stick, half dipped in dark chocolate and then dipped in pistachios. Nellie wanted a plain chocolate gelato on a stick. When I asked if she wanted it dipped or wanted sprinkles, I got a firm, NO. Ok, then. Chocolate it is. :) Gilbert got a peppermint frozen hot chocolate. And you all know my affinity for peppermint! It was so delicious! I’ve always wanted to go to Serendipity in New York but never had the chance. I imagine this drink tastes just as good or better than their frozen hot chocolate! It was that good!  
The before pic, giving her gelato a big thumbs up!

And the after...
Here's mine, I'll spare you my before and after pictures!

Off to detox now!

Seriously though, the Packing District is such a fun place to hang out. It is family friendly, at least when I’ve been there it has been, but I imagine on weekend nights the bars can get pretty lively. And they have so many choices when it comes to food that there is literally something for everybody. If you are in the area, stop in! You won’t be disappointed!


Parking can be tricky. There is street parking and lot parking. There’s even valet. We’ve gone at off-peak times and were able to find lot parking pretty quickly. But I imagine on days where they are having the Farmer’s Market, or weekends in general, parking would be kind of hard. Try to go in between breakfast and lunch or before the dinner crowd to make parking a cinch!  

If you go in a group, and it is busy, have one person save a table while the others grab food, then switch off if needed. It can get packed and tables/sitting areas are hard to come by.

If you can't decide what you want, and you are in a group, see if everyone is willing to get a different dish so that you can sample a bit of everything! We did this the first time we went and it worked out really well! We got to try quite a few things and see what we really liked! 

Jul 13, 2016

Use This, Not That #1

Hi guys! Have you seen those books that are titled Eat This, Not That? I wanted to do a series of blog posts that are similar, but instead of food - ok, some food might creep in here - I wanted to focus on other things that we use all the time, like cleaning products (fun, I know!) and personal care products. I recently became aware of the harmful ingredients in a lot of the stuff that we use everyday, including makeup, shampoo, soap, lotion, perfume and cologne, toothpaste, sunscreen, dryer sheets, scented candles, household cleansers and more. I'm going to list some of my favorite alternatives to the products you may be using that are potentially harmful to your health and hopefully inspire you to make some positive changes!

Here goes:

1. Makeup

If you know me, you know how much I LOVE makeup. I even dabbled with being a makeup artist for a bit! One of my favorite things to do back before my BFF's and I were married with kiddos was go get our makeup done at Nordstrom. We pretty much used any excuse we could, like birthdays, bachelorette parties, or just if we were in the mood for new makeup to go and get dolled up at a makeup counter. It was so relaxing and I just loved the result of a professional makeup artist doing my makeup! Unfortunately, I had no idea what we were putting on our skin! From dangerous heavy metals, like lead, which can actually cross through the blood-brain barrier, to formaldehyde, which is directly linked to cancer, most women are putting multiple personal care and beauty items on their skin a day while unknowingly putting their health at risk. Just think about how many products you use everyday. I use a moisturizer, foundation, concealer, mascara and lip balm at least, and some days add eye shadow, eye liner, blush and lip gloss or lipstick. Now think about the multiple ingredients in all of those products. If they are harmful, and most are, then we are literally layering carcinogens and allergens on our skin every.single.day. 

I recently learned about Beautycounter, a brand of makeup that is doing things differently. They have a never list - a list of harmful ingredients that will never be used in any of their products. They are also passionate about making changes and taking this issue, a serious health issue for many women, to Washington DC to make some real changes. Did you know that there hasn't been a major change to the laws regulating the safety of beauty products since 1938??? The UK bans 1300 harmful ingredients in beauty products. The US bans 11. That's right. ELEVEN!! Beautycounter bans over 1500. I started using their Tint Skin foundation, under-eye concealer and mascara recently, and I love them all. I'm going to eventually overhaul my whole makeup bag but thought these were the best products to start out with. I strongly urge all of you to take a look at what is in your makeup bag and research the ingredients. With the internet at your fingertips, it won't take long and it is so worth it. You can even install an app on your phone that will let you know how a product rates in terms of safety. I use Think Dirty, but there's also EWG's Healthy Living or EWG's Skin Deep cosmetics database.

Winning combo: Beautycounter's Tint Skin Foundation and Real Techniques Expert Face Brush

There are quite a few brands out there that have much safer ingredients than the commonly used drug store brands or even department store brands, and even if you just switch out one product, you are doing yourself some good!

2. Sunscreen

We try our best to protect our kids from the harmful rays of the sun and prevent sunburns. But sometimes the ingredients in sunscreen actually do more harm than good! Check out the EWG's list of worst sunscreens for kids. If you are using one of them, throw it out! Some of them may actually contribute to skin cancer, disrupt hormones, and in the case of spray sunscreens, are super dangerous if inhaled! Read up on the best scoring options for your sweet kiddos and you'll have the peace of mind knowing that when they are playing at the waterpark, pool, or beach, that they are protected and the ingredients are completely safe. Check out this post by Wellness Mama for even more info on sunscreen safety.

3. Perfume and Cologne

This one was another eye-opener for me. I had no idea that any product with synthetic fragrance was basically toxic, perfume and cologne being some pretty huge culprits. I used to give cologne and perfume as gifts and was always happy to receive it as a gift! Do yourself a favor though and break up with your perfume! Would you spray any liquid on yourself if you knew it was linked to cancer, birth defects, nervous system disorders, allergies, or reproductive issues? I hope the answer is NOOOOO!

If you don't want to go completely without fragrance, essential oils are the way to go. They smell amazing and are actually good for you! Just be sure you are using a brand that is organic and contains no synthetics. I recommend and use Young Living essential oils. I love the smell of Lemongrass and will add a drop to my wrists and put a little behind my ears (one drop goes a long way). Lavender and cedarwood are also really nice. I'll add some to my scalp to promote hair growth and my hair acts as a diffuser and I can smell it throughout the day! Young Living's product line is huge so there are tons to choose from and something to suit every taste (floral, woodsy, musky, etc.)! You can even make your own perfume blends! Here is one from an awesome essential oils educator, Jen O'Sullivan. Check out her website, she is such an amazing resource!

Lime Cake Fragrance

In a 5mL atomizer combine 6 drops Young Living Lime and 3 drops each of Young Living Cedarwood and Young Living Lavender. Add 2 drops Eden's Garden vanilla. Mix well and then add 6 drops sweet almond or grapeseed carrier oil. Mix well again and then add almost to the top 190 proof Everclear alcohol (you can use anything between 100 proof to 190 proof). Shake vigorously for 60 seconds then add 10-12 drops of bottled water and shake again. You can also add this to a roller bottle instead of an atomizer, just omit the alcohol and top with more carrier oil. :)

There are also great options for men!

Here is one that Jen calls Strength in a Bottle:

5 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
3 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
2 drops Sacred Frankincense
2 drops Pine
1 drop Cedarwood
1 drop Bergamot
1 drop Vanilla absolute (she uses Eden's Garden)

Put this all in a roller bottle and top off with sweet almond oil.

Ok, friends, that's it for this edition of Use This, Not That. There are TONS more products out there that I want to discuss but I thought these were the most important to start out with.

I was looking through magazines the past few days, something I rarely do anymore, and all of the ads are for toxin-filled cosmetics and fragrances. I wish someone would create a magazine with pages full of healthy options! If there is one out there that I don't know about, please comment below and let me know! It makes me sad/angry that we are using products everyday, without knowing the real dangers of them. It isn't right. It shouldn't be legal. I urge you to share this post with anyone that you love and that may be interested in swapping out their potentially hazardous products for healthier alternatives. And if someone shared this post with you, then you know you are loved! ;)

Remember, we only get one shot at this life! Let's make it the very best!


Jun 12, 2016

Father's Day Is Upon Us!

Ok guys, Father's Day is in ONE week! Have you made your Father's Day plans? Or decided what to get the guy that, after a long day at work, comes over and snakes the clogged up sink, helps you with car problems, and lets your daughter pretty much do whatever she wants, within reason, to him? Please tell me I'm not the only one that is grown (kind of :/) and still needs help from her pops! Oh, and if you have little ones, it's also time to think of what to help them make or get for their dads!

Cupcakes my sister made for Father's Day one year. How cute are they??

If you're stuck on what to get for dad or your significant other this year, here are some ideas that I hope are helpful!

1. One year my mom gave my husband a gift certificate to a local butcher (that is really good!) and taped it to a wooden cutting board. I thought that was a great idea!

2. Take dad to lunch or a ball game. Your dad or husband will appreciate the time spent together!   

3. There's always a gift card to Lowe's or Home Depot that he can put towards something he's had his eye on.

4. My sister and I like to put together a gift bag of my dad's favorite snacks and drinks. Think beef jerky, candy, trail mixes, hot sauce... stuff that he likes but wouldn't necessarily buy for himself. Trader Joe's or Cost Plus World Market has a good variety.

5. If your dad likes to grill, a cookbook and some new BBQ utensils are always nice. Ooo and some yummy BBQ sauces. Great, now I'm hungry. Anyone up for a trip to Lucille's?

6. If your dad's a fisherman like mine, a gift card or fishing stuff from Bass Pro Shop or a similar store will make him very happy! I did this one year for Christmas. You can read about a couple of my dad and brother's fishing adventures here.

My dad and his big catch, earlier this year

7. One thing my siblings and I share with our dad is a love of baked goods. It's fun to go to one of our favorite bakeries, pick out a few things and bring the box to him, for us to share of course!

8. Young Living has some great options for men, like Shutran Shave Cream. Just add a pack of razors and you're good to go!

Or if you're the DIY type, here are some recipes for beard oil, a pre-shave and an after shave that you can make at home :)

Beard Oil
Jojoba oil
1 tsp vitamin E oil
10 drops Cedarwood essential oil
10 drops Rosemary essential oil
5 drops Lemon essential oil
5 drops Cypress essential oil

In a 2 oz. squeeze bottle (or you could use a bottle with a dropper) add all essential oils and vitamin E and fill the rest with jojoba oil. Give it a swirl to combine.

1 oz. olive oil
4 drops Vitamin E
8 drops Lavender essential oil
4 drops Orange essential oil

Mix and store in a small glass mason jar.

After Shave
1 oz. witch hazel
4 drops vitamin E
12 drops Valor essential oil

Mix and store in a small glass mason jar.

**Disclaimer: I've never made these, and I usually only post recipes that I've made and like. If you make one or all of them, let me know what you think! Also, I use and love Young Living essential oils because of their strong commitment to quality. I highly advise against using store-bought essential oils for these or any other recipes you make.

9. For the active dads, Cool Azul Sports Gel is great for before or after a workout and Pure Protein Complete is awesome for post workout recovery. There is even an Active and Fit Kit that includes the Cool Azul Sports Gel, Peppermint essential oil, and an awesome blend called Deep Relief and more.

10. Shutran oil blend is another great option. I'd recommend this instead of cologne, which is so bad for you! Read up on the dangers of cologne and perfume and you will never buy another bottle again! Why spend all of that money on toxic ingredients? 

11. If your dad or hubby has to travel a lot for work, NingXia Red single packets or NingXia Nitro are great, portable ways to maintain health and gain energy from much-needed antioxidants (no need for nasty, caffeine filled energy drinks!). The Super B supplement is also awesome for energy. Or you could do some peppermint essential oil on a homemade car diffuser. Just take a clothespin and glue a piece of cork or felt to it and attach it to a vent in the car! Super simple and thoughtful! All dad or your husband has to do is add a drop of the oil to the cork/felt!  

Hope this helps! If you need any assistance ordering any of the Young Living products or have any questions about them, please comment below! Now get moving so you don't have to do the last minute Target run! 

May 22, 2016

We only get one shot!

Hi everyone! My first blog post ever... exciting stuff. :)

As I've been tossing ideas around in my head about what to write about, one thing keeps coming back to me, and it's the idea that we only get one shot at this life. It is a phrase that I hear often from one of my awesome Young Living leaders and it is so true. We get one shot to determine what food we are going to feed our children (is it going to be sugary, processed and full of pesticides, or good, wholesome food that will make their little bodies thrive?), one shot at what products we are going to use on them (shampoo, soap, or lotion that is full of harmful chemicals, or pure, gentle ingredients?), and what products we use to clean with (again, are they going to be full of toxic, harsh chemicals, or ingredients that are actually safe?). Even if you do not have kids or grandkids, these things apply to YOU. The products we use on ourselves and in our home have such a huge effect on our health, and many ingredients used in personal care and cleaning products have been linked to chronic diseases. I'm on a journey right now to get my family on the road to health and wellness! Come along with me!

Along with cleaning up our eating and drinking way more water, nixing soda, and overhauling almost all of the personal care and cleaning products in my home, we also use essential oils. In fact, essential oils are what have allowed me to replace the personal care and cleaning products as I make a ton of them at home using my oils and a few staple ingredients. Essential oils are what started this whole outlook change for me. I didn't used to care if we ate organically. I didn't look for cleaning products that contained no harsh chemicals - I didn't know there was an alternative. I think that's the case for most people. We just don't know better. But there are so many great, healthy options out there for the products we use on our bodies and what we clean with! If I can inspire just one person to make positive changes in their life and the lives of their family, I'll know I made a difference, and isn't that what life is all about? :)

So here's what I use:
1. I clean my entire house with Thieves Household Cleaner. This stuff is super concentrated so a little goes a long way. Literally one capful in a spray bottle is all you need. I use it on kitchen and bathroom countertops, fridge surfaces, sinks, floors, toilets, everywhere! If I need something a little abrasive, I just use a bit of baking soda with the Thieves cleaner. Works like a charm, and smells amazing! Bonus, no harsh chemicals and it's totally safe around kids, pets and husbands. ;)

2. Wool dryer balls. I got mine from Amazon. Most dryer sheets contain really dangerous chemicals, which you can read about here. To make sure our laundry still smells great, I add a few drops of - you guessed it - essential oils! I love using Lavender on our bedding and Purification or Lemongrass on our clothes and towels. 

3. I make lots of our personal care products. Here are some of my favorites! 

Blemish Prone Face Wash:
1/3 cup Baby Mild Castille Soap
2/3 cup distilled water
1 tbsp. grapeseed oil
2 drops Lemon essential oil
2 drops Lavender essential oil
20 drops Tea Tree essential oil

Combine all ingredients and place in a pump bottle. It is on the watery side, but I don't mind it. Along with eating better and decreasing my dairy and sugar intake, this face wash has really helped my skin clear up!  

Sugar Scrub:
3/4 cups brown sugar (you can use a mixture of brown and white sugar)
1/8 cup grapeseed oil
4 drops Lavender essential oil
4 drops Lemongrass essential oil

Combine all ingredients and place in a glass jar. Great for hands, face, legs, feet - any place you want to exfoliate and moisturize at the same time! It smells heavenly! Oh, and here's a tip. If you use it on your face and want to remove the oily residue from your face, run a washcloth under hot water (make sure it isn't too hot!)and then place it on your face for a few seconds. Gently wipe your face with the washcloth to remove any oil.

Face toner:
10 drops Purification essential oil
10 drops Tea Tree essential oil
Distilled water or alcohol-free witch hazel (I like Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel)

In a 2 oz. spray bottle, drop your essential oils in the bottom of the bottle and gently swirl them to combine. Fill the remainder of the bottle with distilled water and swirl again. Spray on your face and neck after cleansing. I like to use this after my face wash or sugar scrub, then moisturize with some jojoba oil and Copaiba essential oil for skin health. :)

Rosemary Citrus Body Butter:
I got this recipe from Homesong blog and it is so lovely!

1/2 cup organic coconut oil
1/2 cup organic shea butter
1/4 cup vitamin E oil
1/4 cup organic beeswax pellets
5 drops Orange essential oil
5 drops Grapefruit essential oil
5 drops Rosemary essential oil

Using a double boiler, melt the first four ingredients together. I actually like to get the beeswax melted first, since it takes the longest to melt, then add the shea butter, coconut oil and vitamin E oil. Once the mixture is all melted and translucent, pour into small glass containers. Add your essential oils and stir to combine. The mixture will begin to harden a bit.

I'd use this any day over anything from Bath and Body Works, The Body Shop or Target. Basically any store-bought product with fragrance = SO not good for you. When you make products at home, you know exactly what is going in them. My daughter and I use this after we shower and it is so moisturizing! You can also switch out the oils to whatever you prefer!

Peppermint Lip Balm:     
4 tbsp. organic coconut oil
2.5 tbsp. organic beeswax pellets
12 drops Peppermint essential oil

Melt the beeswax pellets and coconut oil over a double boiler. Once melted, add the essential oils and pour into lip balm containers/tubes.

I like to use a small glass Pyrex with a pour spout to making pouring easier. Makes 15 tubes.

I use Young Living essential oils because of their quality and Seed to Seal commitment. If you have any questions or are interested in trying them for yourself, please leave me a comment below!

*I strongly urge you not to use store bought essential oils for anything that you are going to apply to your body topically or diffuse. Store bought oils are only required to be 10% pure essential oils in order to be labeled as 100% pure, so the other 90% might be a carrier oil, synthetic, or some other filler - the point is you won't know and you definitely do NOT want to breathe this in or apply to your body.

So remember guys, we've got one shot to provide the very best lives for ourselves and for our families. Let's eat the best, healthiest food, with a treat every now and then. :) Let's throw out all of the nasty, chemical-filled household cleansers and start cleaning with safe, non-toxic ingredients. Let's replace the personal care products that contain chemicals we can't pronounce with items we have in our pantry! We'll all be so much BETTER for it!