Jul 28, 2017

There is just something about new makeup…

I love makeup. Always have. When I was little, I’d sit on my mom’s bed and watch her get ready for work. She always looked so glamorous while she curled her hair and put on her makeup. I couldn’t wait to grow up and be just like her! 

Fast forward to junior high when all of my friends were getting into makeup. Cover Girl compacts were the popular thing, and I remember Cappuccino Cream was the “in” shade - even if it didn’t quite match your skin! Anytime I went to the store with my mom I’d ask if I could go look at makeup, run to the Cover Girl section, and check each compact to see if I’d get lucky and find Cappuccino Cream!  

There’s no surprise that in my early 20’s, one of my favorite things to do was go and get my makeup done at a makeup counter, usually at Nordstrom. I loved sitting while a makeup artist applied my makeup, it was so relaxing! I especially loved the result. A makeup artist could achieve a look that I could never quite do on my own at home. Anytime I felt like I was in a rut, I’d go pick out a new eyeshadow or new lip gloss, and it would just make me happy!

Then YouTube came along, and the makeup world changed. At any time of day or night you could watch a makeup tutorial by a beauty guru, and then try it yourself. I’d make a list of the products they were using and go and get them. Some were drugstore products. Some were higher end. Some were in between. I fell in love with makeup even more and decided to take a course in makeup artistry. I learned some cool tips and tricks, but my 9-5 job took priority and makeup artistry took the backseat to other things. But my love for makeup never went away!

A few years ago I decided to take a look at everything I was using in my home, including cleaning and personal care products. I found that every product we were using contained toxic ingredients. Things that are directly linked to allergies, endocrine disruption, and even cancer. I began to overhaul all of those products and replace them with healthy and safe options. The last place that I thought to look was my makeup bag. I knew that there were chemicals in my makeup, and I assumed they weren’t good for me, but I didn’t know where to check the safety of them and I didn’t know about any safe options for makeup. My friends that were into overall health and wellness told me about a couple of different makeup brands that are safe, and the more I looked into healthy options for all of my body care products, the more I started to learn about safe makeup as well. The Think Dirty app is a great place to start. You can check the safety of all of your cosmetics there. You can also hop onto the EWG’s Skin Deep database to see how your cosmetics rank in terms of safety. 

At this point, I’ve tried quite a few different eco-beauty products. Some I’ve liked, some did not work for me at all. I am committed to using safe products though because to me, it doesn’t make sense to eliminate harmful chemicals from my home and body care products, only to put them on my face everyday when I apply my makeup. I am always on the hunt for makeup that is safe, performs well, and doesn’t break the bank. So you can only imagine my excitement when Young Living announced a new makeup line last month, Savvy Minerals! I already love Young Living products, I love the company, and I love everything that they stand for! I was so pumped to give this makeup a try! 

For my first order, I decided to try foundation, 4 eyeshadows, Multitasker (eyeshadow, eyeliner and brow filler in one!), blush, lip gloss and lipstick. I also got the misting spray to spray on my makeup brush before applying the foundation. 

Here are the things that I love about it:

1. The foundation is buildable. I like full coverage, and this definitely gives me the coverage that I like. If you just want a light wash of color to even your skin tone or to combat shine, one application is all you need. If you’d like more coverage, you can add to it. 

2. The Multitasker is dark brown. A black eyeliner is available, but I prefer dark brown and I think it is most flattering on all skin tones. Even Marilyn Monroe’s famous eyeliner was dark brown!

3. The products are SO GOOD FOR YOU! They are formulated with NO: talc, bismuth, parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic colorants

4. The makeup lasts all day. I live in Southern California where our summer days can reach the 100’s, and my makeup doesn’t wear off! Plus, my skin can breathe! 

5. My little girl loves makeup, and she is only 4! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! She asks nearly every day if she could put makeup on. And you know what? Most days, I let her. I love knowing that the products in my makeup bag are safe enough that I can feel comfortable putting some on her skin. I know they aren’t going to harm her little body or compromise her health. 

I only recommend products that I’ve used and that I love. So far I am loving everything that I've tried! If you’d like to order some makeup and receive a wholesale discount, leave your email below and I’ll get you hooked up!  

Here's my before & after! 

Jul 7, 2017

Out with the bad, in with the good!

Hello lovelies! Hope you all are doing really, really well! 

I am making an effort to be more active on here and post once a week… so since I’m putting it out there, I better deliver! Before I get started, I just want to show you why I do what I do. My family. My people.

Back to the post at hand. :) This week I wanted to talk about something that has a big impact on the health of every single person living in the U.S. 

Awhile back I decided to look at everything I was using in my home. The things I cleaned my home with and the things I put on my body, mainly. I started with my hand soap, body wash, lotion, shampoo, conditioner… you see where I’m going with this. I wanted to see how safe, or unsafe they were, and to my surprise, every product I was using in my home was completely toxic. Not just a little toxic, I’m talking completely full of cancer-causing ingredients and other nasty stuff that could lead to some pretty serious health implications. I decided to overhaul my entire personal care routine and get rid of the dirty (toxic) products and replace them with clean ones. To make it easy on my sanity and my wallet, I switched out one product at a time. As I finished one thing, say toxic toothpaste, I replaced it with a safe option. I did this until all of my (and when I say my, I mean mine and my family’s :) products were replaced. The one thing I threw out right away was dryer sheets. As soon as I learned about the dangers of dryer sheets, I tossed my two huge Costco-sized boxes in the trash and ordered some wool dryer balls from Amazon. I did not want those things in my house any longer than they had to be! 

The last thing that I thought about was my makeup. I had heard years ago that a certain brand of makeup contained lead, and I remember thinking, “There is no way that can be legal!” Well, turns out, it is. Regulation of the personal care and cosmetics industry is extremely lax - no major laws regulating the safety of their ingredients have been passed since 1938! There are thousands of harmful chemicals that have been introduced and added to our moisturizer, foundation, eye makeup, lipstick, etc., with little or no safety data! We are literally guinea pigs for these cosmetic and personal care companies. Other countries, like Europe, are WAY more strict than the U.S. and ban more than 1,300 chemicals than we do. It’s a shame really. Go into almost any chain store in the U.S., and the majority, if not all, of the personal care items and cosmetics are dangerous and should not be applied to our skin. That means we can't just go to Target or Walmart and get safe products (soap, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, etc), because they just don't carry them. 

The average consumer, and most of the time it is the women making buying choices for their household, needs to know this! I don’t think that it’s a matter of people knowing and still purchasing toxic products. I think that most people have no idea so they run out of lotion or laundry detergent and pick up another bottle at their local store, without knowing that the product they just purchased could lead to a serious health issue for them or another person in their household. What makes this even trickier is now companies are marketing their products as safe by adding the words “natural” or “organic” to their packaging. There’s a name for it - greenwashing - and it is a nasty ploy to get consumers to buy products that LOOK safe. A quick scan on the Think Dirty app or a search on EWG’s Skin Deep Database will tell you otherwise.  

So what can we do? Install the Think Dirty app on your phone if you haven’t already. It’s free and super easy to use. Then start scanning the products that you use daily and weekly. If any products rate higher than you would like them to (the absolute max our family will go to is a 3), make it a point to replace them. How quickly you do it is completely up to you. If a product is not in the Think Dirty app, send in a request to have it added, then go to EWG.org and check there. If it isn’t there, look up the individual ingredients on EWG.org. If there are a ton of ingredients that you cannot say, let alone spell, then that is a good sign that you want to avoid that product! 

There are lots of safe options out there! If you are the DIY type, you can make a ton of products yourself. Google recipes for body wash, shampoo, etc. If you are not, there are ready-made products that do the job. 

Here is a list of my favorites!

1. Hand soap: Thieves Foaming Hand Soap. I would buy this and also make my own, thinking I was saving money, until I found out that buying the refill was actually cheaper! This now goes in our bathrooms and by our kitchen sink.   

2. Bar Soap/Body Wash: Lemon Sandalwood Bar Soap. Gentle, yet effective cleaning. It doesn’t give me that dry feeling that most other bar soaps do.

3. Body Lotion: Genesis Body Lotion. The Lavender Hand and Body Lotion is really nice also.

4. Shampoo & Conditioner - Copaiba Vanilla Shampoo & Conditioner. This is sulfate-free and is a great way to detox your hair routine! I was experiencing some weird hair loss and sulfate-free was the way to go.

5. Lip Balm: Cinnamint Lip Balm by Young Living. Moisturizing, but not to the point that your lips need it to feel moisturized. I felt that way when I used to use Chapstick. Like my lips got addicted to it and felt super dry unless I put it on.  

6. Toothpaste: Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste. Hands down the best toothpaste I’ve ever used. My mouth feels so clean after brushing! Way better than the toxic toothpaste I used to use that rated a TEN on Think Dirty!

7. Mouthwash: Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash. Did you know that most mouthwash sold in stores can actually lead to oral cancer? Um, no thanks.

8. Face Moisturizer: Art Light Moisturizer

9. Deodorant: Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste. This may sound really weird, but it totally works! If you look at the ingredients, they are very similar to DIY deodorant. I’ll add a drop of Purification to it if I need some extra support! And guys, I used to use the clinical stuff, so you know that this is powerful if I can use it! It doesn’t stop the sweating because it is not antiperspirant, but that it the stuff you want to stay away from anyway. https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/thieves-aromabright-toothpaste

10. Toner: Thayer’s Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel. This smells so good and the alcohol-free formula is gentle on skin! 

11. Facewash: Art Gentle Cleanser

12: Exfoliator: Satin Mint Face Scrub 

13. Nail Polish: 100% Pure  

14. Muscle Support: Deep Relief or Cool Azul Pain Cream

15. Insect Repellant: YL’s Insect Repellant. No harmful ingredients in this one! Great alternative to products that contain DEET, which should be used with caution, if at all. I would not use DEET on myself or my family. 

16. Sunscreen: Mineral Sunscreen Lotion. Just like insect repellant, some sunscreens will do more harm than good. Not this one though! You can enjoy time in the sun with this one with the peace of mind that the ingredients are completely safe.  

17. Shave Oil: Mirah Shave Oil. This smells so good! I also use this to smooth any flyaway hairs. 

18. Perfume: Any Young Living essential oil that suits my mood! I love Believe, Humility, Gratitude essential oil blends! Store bought perfume and cologne are completely toxic. I threw all of mine out and just use essential oils now! 

19. Laundry Detergent: Castille Soap or Thieves Laundry Detergent.

20. Household cleaner: Thieves Household Cleaner. This one product takes the place of Windex, 409, Scrubbing Bubbles, Comet/Ajax, , Pledge, and every other conventional cleaning product. It’s extremely concentrated so a little goes a long way (as in one capful in a spray bottle of water)! It will actually SAVE you money. You won’t have to ventilate your whole home when you clean. Your kids can help you and you don't have to worry about them breathing in dangerous fumes or touching harmful chemicals! It’s amazing stuff. 

The best way to get started with Young Living products is with a wholesale membership, so that you get the very bet prices. YL even has a monthly subscription program that is totally optional but just makes sense if you'll be ordering regularly. You'll earn points back on each purchase that you can spend on personal care products, supplements or essential oils of your choice, so you'll want to sign up for this to make the most of your money! Comment below with your email address when you are ready to get started! 

Next week I’ll be showing you some safe makeup options! I’ve tried just about every makeup brand out there from drugstore to department store, so if I’m recommending something, you’ll know that it performs just as well as conventional makeup! Stay tuned for that!